Focus on your business, not infrastructure.

​Cirrus Seven’s BDaaS Stacks provide everything you need to get value out of your data. We are the only provider that manages the entire stack; provisioning optimized systems, technical support, maintenance, upgrades, and patches. We focus on security and performance. Just bring your data. We’ll take care of the rest.

BDaaS Stacks for Analytics

Cirrus Seven offers pre-built, secure, optimized BDaaS Stacks for Analytics, unique within the industry.

Data scientists, BI experts, and marketers want the statistics, visualizations, and data analytics that make them more effective.

Managers want ROI on their Big Data investments.

No one wants to concern themselves with running the stack below their interface.

Our Managed Hadoop as a Service offering is the foundation for many big data analytics projects, but Hadoop rarely is a complete solution.

We also offer a growing menu of open source software solutions as BDaaS Stacks including Spark, Storm, and Kafka. We provision hardware tailored to Adobe Data Workbench which runs over 40% faster than other implementations.

Through a strong, rapidly growing roster of partnerships, Cirrus Seven offers cutting edge database provider DataStax, Big Data analytics vendor Datameer, and Internet of Things leader ParStream as turn key solutions.

Cirrus Seven Cloud

Delivering optimized OpenStack, the largest open-source cloud project, Cirrus Seven offers virtual private cloud systems with self-service configurations of Compute, Storage, Network, and related capabilities.

Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) Stacks built on secure, optimized infrastructure managed by our engineers.